Bottom post of the previous page:
@The Outsider @embyMy thoughts posting above was mostly thinking about debt forgiveness. To those I stand on the platform that you knowingly willingly took that debt, pay that debt. It is up there to me as the government paying off credit card debt. I don't have a mortgage, but if the government really wanted to boost the economy and help Americans, I would support that over education loans.
I am not against free education, but there are better things we can spend federal money on. Education alone is not going to make everyone less racist, less likely to manipulate less intelligent/educated, less likely to abuse systems and people. As long as religion and people wanting to control how others live exist, it won't fix this country. There are far more important thing like healthcare, specifically for the disadvantaged, that to me is foremost. I feel that money is better spent on housing problems and infrastructure than free secondary education.
In the end, I would not be upset if future secondary education is free. Four year degrees are free and anything after is your cost along with those wanting to get multiple four year degrees. You can go back to calling me names now